Empowering No
Life, family and relationships are perfect example of honey trap. Everyone in this life wants to hear a yes. We all are brought up with the fact that saying No is impolite, rude, and politically incorrect. With every NO you say, your No will be questioned till you bow down and say yes for the request. No one is huge fan of listening a NO.
The moment you say yes, as per your peers, you are entrapped by an absolute, arrant nonsense, breathtakingly packaged, aggressively promoted, seductively laid out in front of you and completely irrelevant to your life or well being.
I consider myself to be "yes" person which highlights my inability to say categorical No, though I pride myself on being open, willing, and ready to say "yes" at all times. But starting today, I will venture into saying “No” when I want to. Not a Maybe or a Perhaps; a straight, categorical No. With all yes you say you become “People pleaser” and you lose your dignity, the “me” time. Saying no isn’t the same as being selfish; it’s about establishing boundaries to preserve yourself and maintain the apt balance in your life.
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